Cinnamon- Revered in many cultures, cinnamon is said to bring good luck. It is a high vibrational herb that can shield your from ill will and enhance your spiritual awareness.
Cinnamon is probably the most versatile herb in a witch's tool kit. It can be used as a substitute for incense and burned. The smoke is said to raise the spiritual vibration of home and person. It is an ingredient in (nearly) every spell from healing, protection, prosperity, and love. Cinnamon has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antacid properties and it is tasty in tea, cider and food.
But my favorite use of cinnamon is also one of my favorite rituals, the Cinnamon Prosperity Ritual. This ritual is performed on the first of the month to increase luck and draw money to you. It's very easy and has been very effective for me personally.
Take a pinch of cinnamon and place it in the palm of your hand.
Standing outside of the primary door to your home, facing inside, send messages of gratitude to the universe.
When you are ready, imagine your life as prosperous, with money flowing to you. Once the image is crystal clear blow the cinnamon over the threshold and into your home.
Leave the cinnamon for at least 24 hours before cleaning up. In that time, it will absorb any negativity.
This ritual is all about mindfulness and manifesting the life you want to live. When you open your mind and heart to new opportunities, you will see them laid out before you.
Try it! And happy October everyone.