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The Daily Tarot- 10.02.24

Today I'm going to talk about cards 3 and 5. They are paired this way because we are looking at influences above and below. Things below are the things we should be focusing on and the things above are our goals, ideals and strengths.

Below us in this deal is the ten of cups. It's easy to read this card as a person who has gotten everything they desire. The man is surrounded by golden cups and certainly looks gleeful but that financial security can be hard to maintain if you are not focused on the big picture.

Above us is the ten of swords in the reversed position. This card brings with it, strong emotion. Whether this card is reversed or upright it signals a finality. In reverse, it could signify a continuation of a situation or potentially the beginning of a new reality.

When read these cards together they point to both a fear of scarcity and the inability to budget. It also points to a stinginess and a tendency towards greed. Fear not! If you keep your budget in check, your monies will grow. Just remember to share the wealth.


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