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The Daily Tarot: 10.01.24

I've decided to change up the Tarot readings. Instead of a full Celtic cross every day, I am going to do a weekly reading on Monday, and Tuesday through Saturday will be spent looking at particular parts of the pattern.

I'm going to begin with what I call the personality cards. Card number one, in this case the High Priestess, tells us where you are emotionally and spiritually at this current moment in time. The second card is the one crossing, in this case, Death is the situation and/or challenge you are facing.

The High Priestess symbolizes the divine feminine. She also guards your intuition. She is powerful and knowledgeable but also very passive.

Death is a card that scares people. But it's important to remember that Death symbolizes transformation. It often means that you are shedding things that no longer serve you and moving into a new period of your life.

When these two cards come together you see that you are in a transformative period. Change and growth is often frightening and painful but necessary. Stagnation means true death. In this reading I see you embracing the changes and learning to trust yourself and your instincts. Basically, I see you stepping into your true form/power and insisting on this things you need and want. The butterfly has an opportunity to break out!


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