I'm not going to lie to you. This spread had me scratching my head. Every time I flipped a card it seemed to contradict the card before it. I became frustrated and accused my kids of making too much noise and went back to grumbling about the spread. It was after I seriously considered re-dealing and starting over that I understood what the cards were trying to show me!
That indecision and frustration I was feeling, is what everyone is feeling right now. We are deeply concerned for the future and we are stuck between wanting to save for a rainy day and deciding that it is already pouring, so I might as well get something pretty.
Look. I can't tell you who the President is going to be or where the DOW will end up but I can tell you that all of your worry is paralyzing you. You must continue your forward momentum and the only way forward is through.
This is what I will tell you. Trust your instincts. Connect with your inner child. Spend cautiously. And don't be afraid to leave that worry and anxiety behind- it never did you any favors anyway.