Today's reading is all about finances. You've been playing fast and loose with your budget. You've been like the grasshopper that played all summer long, with no thought of the approaching winter. Well, guess what? Winter is coming!
Now. Today. You must plan for your future. It's time to revamp that budget. Things are 150.000 times more expensive than when you first set it. And I know how saving makes you feel. You feel poor and that triggers that scarcity trauma. No one likes that feeling but overcompensating by overspending is only going to make things worse.
In this world we live in, it feels like budgeting is a kind of sin. We feel left out. "Everyone else is vacationing!" or "I deserve to treat myself." But you know this rampant consumerism isn't real. You also know that it's not good for you. There is no shame in living within your means. There is no shame in saving for what you want. There is no shame in waiting.
I know this feels drastic but trust the process. The universe has great things planned for you.