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Let's Talk About... Reiki!

If you're not already a client of mine, you are probably wondering about Reiki. What it is? How it works? (And possibly, most importantly) Am I a crazy lady selling snake oil?

Well, let's see if I can answer some of your questions.

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique. The idea is that the body is made to heal itself but this world we live in, made up of stress, poor eating, and general toxicity has made that almost impossible. Reiki can help find the "gook' that's plugging up the body's energy pathways and clear them out. Consider it an angioplasty for your chi. When your natural energy can flow, your body can heal.

So what does that have to do with relaxation? Well, just like a doctor will tell you that the body heals better while asleep, Reiki works when you are relaxed. Stress and anxiety will hinder the process, so if I can remove those things I've already won half the battle. After that, it's about removing any blockages that prevent the energy flow.

What is a blockage, you ask? A blockage can be anything. It could be stress or injury but often times it is tied to trauma. The same things you talk to a therapist about, I am working on clearing out and through this process I also teach you how to release the things that no longer serve you and how to live a more mindful life.

I do this by touch. (Although, I don't have to touch if that is problematic for you.) In the Bible this process might be referred to as the laying of hands but really it's a common practice. You probably already do it without knowing. For example, when your child falls the first thing you do is touch around the wound to access, and then you will hug the child and maybe kiss the boo-boo better. That could be considered Reiki.

Here's a few fact for you:

  1. Over 800 hospitals nationwide employ Reiki practitioners.

  2. Clients that utilize Reiki use less pain killers and heal faster than those that don't.

  3. Reiki classes are counted as continuing education credits for medical professionals.

  4. Many "talk" therapists are trained in the use of reiki and use it during sessions to help clients relax and open up.

Now here's my disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, massage therapist, or a talk therapist. Reiki is not used to diagnose or "cure". Always seek medical help when needed and let your doc know that you are utilizing Reiki as part of your treatment plan.

I hope this gave you something to think about. I will continue to share what Reiki is (and isn't) and how it has impacted my life and that of my kids. Stick around, it's gonna get interesting.


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