If you are not a regular client of mine, you may not know that I send out monthly moon reminders among other things. And even if you are a "regular" around here you may be wondering why? Honestly, there are more reasons that you can possible imagine! I give you a couple.
The first reason is that the calendar is a human construct and as such, it's pretty jacked up. (I could write a whole thesis on why the first of the year should actually be April 1st and not January 1st and we may explore that at another time.) I don't know about you but my body never really seems attuned to our "normal" Gregorian calendar. This idea makes more sense if you ever tracked your cycles. You will find that you have 13 periods in a year and the moon reflects this. Hmm... It's almost like we are attuned to a lunar cycle!
The next reason is probably why most of you request the moon reminders; spell work. Although spells can be done at anytime, there is something very potent about a full moon. It's like a death and a renewal all at the same time. What a poignant reminder that with every ending there is a beginning waiting for us.
So what does my full moon ritual look like? I do many of the things you would expect. I set out crystals to charge. I make moon water. I do a little moon bathing-- it's like sun bathing, but under the full moon instead.
The big things I do is meditate on everything that went right during this lunar cycle and give thanks. I journal to manifest new goals and I do a releasing ritual to let go of the things that no longer serve me. Maybe I should explain that one?
A releasing ritual is very simple and extremely cathartic.
Write down what you need to release on a piece of paper. I often write a letter expressing how my life would be different without XYZ. How would I feel? How would my relationships with others change? I like to concentrate on the positive.
Once finished, fold the paper 3 times, away from you.
Hold the note between your hands, close your eyes and visualize that new life.
When you're ready, burn the note.
Return the ashes to the Earth. Bury them or put them in your compost bin.
The next day is the beginning of a whole new world. Make the most of it.
I hope this offered you a look into my life and helps you to live a more mindful life of your own.
If I were to host and lead a full moon ritual, would you be interested in attending?
Yes! Sign me up!
No. I can do this on my own.