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My Journey with Reiki


My Story

First off, I'm a mom to three kids. All of which have their own special needs. It was those "needs" that began my journey with Reiki. 


But what I found along the way would forever impact how I saw myself and my relationship with God, the universe and my place in it.


I needed a way to manage the stress of being a single parent and a way to recover from past trauma. Talk therapy helped. Massage helped. But I was getting two or more massages a month and seeing a therapist weekly and although there was progress, it was slow and it was grueling. 


I complained to anyone that would listen about my back pain, my sky-rocketing weight, my "digestive issues" and my crippling depression and anxiety. My therapist  was the one that suggested, "we look East for help".


One Reiki session later and I was hooked! Soon enough I was taking my aging parents to Reiki and then my children. The difference was amazing!

The Long Road

I have a background in art but because of all the aforementioned ailments, I hadn't picked up a brush or camara in years.


I was in a rut. I was working at a dead end job and I was miserable all the time. I also was a pretty lousy parent, daughter and friend. 


But after that first Reiki session something changed. My "spark" returned. I felt the influence that God had in my life and I felt my desire to connect to the divine. I started really listening to what the universe was trying to tell me. I began painting, my diet changed without me doing anything and I felt... happy and loved.


I now want to show other people what Reiki can do for them.


I'm now a Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master, I sell my artwork (which I've infused with positive Reiki energy) and I create spells and potions. (You can call it magic; I call it a tangible way to create new neuro pathways in the brain and a way of promoting new and healthy habits.) I love watching people's journey with Reiki. Seeing the pain melt away and peace, love and light appear in a client's eyes is amazing. I love what I do!​

Assorted Crystals
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